Bailiff Kostov sat comfortably at his desk in his office, a room on the very top of his head quarters, a brick stone bastion in the northernmost part of the Tsarevets Fortress. His secretary Rumyana was sitting on his lap.
‘You are such a beauty,’ he said, admiring her white dress and her long, black hair. He kissed her. She giggled, admiring his official costume and returned the kiss: ‘So are you.’ He stroke and kissed her neck and then untied her dress’ top button.
Then they heard a knock on the wooden door. ‘Don’t disturb me, I’m busy,’ he shouted. There was immediately a second knock, harder and louder. ‘Don’t fucking disturb me, I am …’ Suddenly the door was opened, the bailiff dumped his mistress, rushed towards the door and shouted: ‘What the fuck! I told you twice not to …’

A lackey from the Imperial Palace collapsed with the bailiff: ‘Oh, My Lord, I am terribly sorry …’ ‘You idiot,’ shouted Kostov, ‘you ruined my official costume.’ He dismissed Rumyana who got up and quickly fastened her top button.

Then he checked his black jerkin and black breeches. They were finest tailor made corduroy, the white knee socks and white neck collar gave a sharp contrast. His blinking black shoes had white buckles. And his black hat had a white bandeau. His small, black eyes pierced right through everyone. His large hawk nose was enhanced by his coarse jaw. His big, hairy hands completed the wolf alike image.

‘You seem to be quite all right, My Lord  …’ the lackey remarked, while adjusting his own blue jerkin, yellow breechers, green knee socks and his powdered white wig. It was the standard dress for senior staff members in the Imperial Palace. ‘No, I am fucking not. You interrupted my work and I will …’ The lackey stood upright in front of the bailiff: ‘You and your deputy Yankov must both come to see emperor Plamen VI. He has … ‘ ‘Not in my ruined costume.’ ‘Would you please stop interrupting me?! I have a most urgent message …’ ‘Whatever your message is, I will go nowhere in my ruined costume.’ ‘Your costume is all right, any damage will be repaired. I have strict orders from the emperor himself. I will bring you and your deputy directly to him. The Imperial Carriage is waiting outside your office.’ ‘What is so urgent?’‘I am only allowed to tell you that Princess Elitsa died last night.’

Kostov slammed the door wide open and shouted: ‘Yankov!’ Then the bailiff grinned: ‘That is great, since you …’ The lackey posted himself again right in front of the bailiff: ‘Excuse me?! Do you really think it is great that the emperor’s daughter died?’ ‘It must be a violent dead, so I will catch the killer.’ He shouted: ‘Prepare the horses!’ ‘No, you are not allowed to go on horseback. The emperor’s orders are strict and clear. And for the princess, you must not jump to conclu … ‘ Yankov came in: ‘Yes, please?’ Kostov explained. ‘Do bring us to the emperor, we will go in your carriage. He will be pleased to have a thorough murder investigation.’ ‘There will be other investigators.’

Kostov jumped up in the carriage and banged his head against the wooden ceiling: ‘Don’t tell us that the develish priest and his fake deacon will be there?!’