Do you wanna know how writing a thriller really goes?! Fasten your seat belts, here we go.  

In June, I was in Stockholm for research for one of my next hot Medieval thrillers starring Petar Ivanov, the Bulgarian Orthodox priest.

Now I continue working on father Petar’s first investigation “Royal killing”.  

I wrote about 150 pages, so I set it all in schedule.
1) The parts about father Petar I highlighted  in green.
2) The parts about his arch enemy bailiff Kostov I marked in red.

I was shocked to see that there is way too much green. I must write a lot more about Kostov. My thriller must be much more exciting. The priest and the bailiff hate each other. They both want to be the first to catch the killer of Princess Elitsa.

The thriller must be more in balance. And as I set myself a deadline to finish the book this year, there is a lot of work to do.